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Dear Terry,

I soon will have to give a speech in front of many people at my local rotary club, and I am terrified and very insecure. I tend to stutter, repeat myself, and lose my train of thought. I am concerned people will think badly of me because of my speech difficulties. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

- Terrified

Dear Terrified,

You have speech anxiety. You are not alone. Most people would rather die than give a speech. Perhaps, squelched in your childhood, you didn't grow in self-esteem and self-confidence building. Like many people with speech anxiety, you, too, have some work to do. Many organizations foster public speaking development. First, I would suggest that you find someone, an excellent speaker that you know, to take you by the hand as you find an organization that has cultivated a safe harbor environment that is supportive and encouraging, and that will help you to overcome your speech anxiety.

It is very important that you commit to overcoming this anxiety. It will take a desire to attend weekly public speaking development meetings over an extended period. Toastmasters International, a

public speaking organization that comes to mind, which has many clubs throughout the USA, is well-known for developing members as public speakers. Ask your friend to help you shop for a club that will welcome you with open arms so that you have the opportunity to flourish, as you regain your self-esteem and self-confidence.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to be with and around supportive and encouraging people. If you are with a group of people who immediately want to evaluate you with a red pencil, you are not with the right group. Now that you have recognized that you want to overcome your speech anxiety, be patient and find a club that wants you to succeed, rather than to be in a weekly speech competition. A supportive club will help you to overcome your fears. And once you do, you won't care one iota what other people think. Have fun!

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